The WSICAO fundamentals
The World Safety and International Cooperation and Assistance Organization is an international membership organization.
It is an international association of organizations and institutes dedicated to world service in
the areas of disaster mitigation and response, humanitarian relief, reconstruction and development assistance
as well as public safety, the protection of lives and ancillary operations.
WSICAO established its Charter through the Act signed on November 15, 2011 in Brussels, Belgium
and was given legal personality by the Royal Decree WL 22/16.092 of King Albert II of Belgium under the proposal of the Belgian
Ministry of Justice on November 26, 2011. The BCE/KBO registered the organization under the number 0841.638.613.
Membership in the World Safety and International Cooperation and Assistance Organization is regulated by its General Assembly.
The institutes and organizations members of WSICAO must fulfil some pre-requisites:
Further to the above, new requests for membership must be introduced by one of WSICAO's permanent members. Applicant member organizations must be able to present a viable and realistic strategic plan for achieving their goals and must show a clear need for sharing WSICAO's resources beyond mere budget benefit.
It is a requisite for all member organizations to not have economic gain or profitable activities of any kind which directly or indirectly derive from their public and humanitarian service, including linked agreements for investment or contracts for third parties. No political, religious, cultural or ethnic distinction or purpose must exist in a member organization's actions.
Member organizations must maintain at all times high moral and ethical standards in all humanitarian or other operations and must allow administrative, legal or operational audits from WSICAO at any time. The General Assembly may decide to revoke membership in specific cases when the requisites and obligations of membership are not observed.